The Heritage - a Greenpower Event

Events are helping to protect the environment by purchasing Green Power.
Green Power Events

Back in 2001, Santee Cooper was the first electric utility in the state to generate and offer Green Power. Now, we are taking it a step further by offering the opportunity to turn your events green.


Green Power is electricity generated from renewable resources, like solar and methane gas from decomposing garbage. Santee Cooper's Green Power Program can help reduce the reliance on limited resources while improving and preserving the environment for future generations. The best part: 100% of the funding goes towards future renewable energy resources. Think of it as an investment in the future.


Purchasing one-time Event Green Power is easy and affordable. Green Power is sold in blocks of 200 kilowatt-hours (kWh) at $6.00 per block. A minimum 5 block purchase is required. With choosing to host a Green Event, depending on it’s scale, Santee Cooper will assist you with marketing needs. Below are a few of the ways we can help:

  • Newspaper Advertising
  • Magazine Advertising
  • Billboard Advertising
  • Press Releases
  • Radio Advertising
  • Bill Stuffers
  • Event Posters
  • Social Media Outreach

And here's how your event can become 100% Green:

Blocks Cost Kilowatt Hours Event Example*
5 $30 1,000 Large conference 1 dfay meeting
10 $60 2,000 1/2 Day Outdoor Event
15 $90 3,000 1/2 Day Large Indoor Event
20 $120 4,000 1 Day Outdoor Event

First, start by reviewing the chart above as it shows how your organization's one time purchase can benefit the environment. This can assist you in making the right environmentally based decision for your event. Contact us at 843-347-3399 ext. 3205 for more information or contact your local cooperative, and we'll take it from there. No event is too small or too big.

We can help turn any event, from a wedding to a golf tournament, Green!

Sign Up Now, to make your event Green!